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Records 1 to 9 of 58

Get tips and advice that will make your flight smoother, help you to not be a victim of baggage theft or become another statistic of lost luggage, help you clear customs easier, stay out of trouble and jail for things you may not think you can get jailed for, as well as help you not to fall victim to crime on your travels.


Follow me as I make my way from Siem Reap in Cambodia to Saigon in Vietnam, and then all the way up to Hanoi and back to Cambodia. Share in the laughs, scares and adventures I encountered, and marvel at the landscape with included pictures and links to videos I took along the way.


Tips and advice to save you money and make your trip to Angkor Wat & Cambodia go smoother. Note, this book is not a guide to the different temples, but a guide to help you prepare for your visit to the temples and Cambodia, or possibly move to Cambodia.


Over 850 pictures, and covers over 200 temples and attractions in the upper parts of Cambodia; spanning from Siem Reap, though Kulen Mountian, Ko Kher, past Battambang, Bantey Chhmar, Preah Vihear, Anlong Ven, Sambor Preikuk, and down to Phnom Penh.


The Ultimate guide to exploring Angkor Wat Archaeological Park and its Timeless Treasures with details of 50 must-see temples and attractions in the Angkor Wat Archaeological Park, as well as an additional 15 surrounding temples or attractions, in addition to GPD coordinates and over 380 reference photographs.


A Free booklet to give you an introduction to this magnifisent temple. Included are 37 pictures of Angkor Wat Temple.


Over 250 pictures of over 30 temples in the Angkor Archaeological Park, with GPS coordinates and directions to them.


Discover the 20 top temples you must see when visiting Angkor Wat. Included are GPS coordinates and a short description of each temple as well as a reference picture for each temple. Additionally included is a map to help you find the temples easier.


The 20 best temples and attraction from this ancient temple city of Thailand. Included are GPS coordinates and a short description of each temple as well as a reference picture for each temple.

Records 1 to 9 of 58